
Mr Luc Verelst provides services in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing with application to Water, Climate and Ecosystems Engineering. He has over 25 years experience in functional and technical design and development of spatial information systems and databases, climate change related spatial and temporal data analysis, hydrological modeling and geo-statistical analysis. Outcomes yield in technical capacity and analysis products to inform decision-making. Clients include the private sector, government institutions, international agencies, higher education and research institutions and donor-funded multi-sectoral development projects.

Some Projects

These are some ongoing and past projects

Harmonized Soil Map of the World

The HWSD is a 30 arc-second raster database with over 16000 different soil mapping units that combines existing regional and national updates of soil information worldwide (SOTER, ESD, Soil Map of China, WISE) with the information contained within the 1:5 000 000 scale FAO-UNESCO Soil Map.

Sri Lanka

Flood and drought risk assessment in ten river basins, identify structural and non-structural risk mitigation interventions and develop investment plans. Supervision and coordination of data collection, including DTM\/DEM construction from LiDAR, stereo-photo and topographic data. Provide extensive training to Irrigation department staff on all aspects of the intervention.


Use of remote sensing technology to estimate water extraction as part of the Deep Wells Water Supply Development at the Eshidiya Mine Complex in Jordan..

Romania Turda Water Company

“Modernization of Water Company of Turda Municipality, Romania.” Design and implementation of a GIS system for the distribution water and wastewater network Define methodology and supervise data collection, network analysis, and linkages with Client Information System.


Creation of 300 rural landholding plans using differential GPS and high-resolution orthophotos along with other activities of land titling, decentralization of land administration and registration. Design and creation of a decentralized land and property information system (LPIS) for parcel management and for delivering land titles at local level.


“Spatio-temporal analysis of Oranutan behaviour, home ranging, land cover classification and change, habitat analysis and fragmentation. Sumatra, Indonesia.


Email: info@spatial-systems.com